Manager VS Leader
people think that all managers are leaders. This would be perfect if it were
true. Unfortunately, it is not, and since not every manager is a leader.
However, once the roles are understood, then the correct distinguishing of the manager's
and leader's roles can lead to a powerful combination. Manager is someone that
acheving result by effectively obtaining,
deploying, utilizing and controlling all the resources required, namely people,
money, information, facilities, plant and equipment. Leadership focuses on the
most important resource, people. It is the process of developing and
communicating a vision for the future, motivating people and gaining their
commitment and engagement. Manager
stirs thoughts like planning, organizing, directing
and controlling while a leader is quite a different story. A Leader help themselves and others to do the right things.
They set direction, build an inspiring vision, and create something new. Yet,
while leaders set the direction, they must also use management skills to guide
their people to the right destination, in a smooth and efficient way.
manager deffinied as an individual who is in charge of a certain group of task,
or a certain subset of a company. According to Henri Fayol “to menage is to
forecast and to plan , to organise, to command, to co-ordinate and to control”.
To forecast and plan means examining the future and drawing up the plan of
action. To organize means to build up the dual structure, material and human,
of the undertaking. To command means maintaining activity amongst the
personnel. To coordinate means bonding together, unifying and harmonizing all
activity and effort. To control means seeing that everything occurs in
conformity with established rule and expressed command Manager were someone who
told other what to do and how to do it. Manager stick with what work, refining
system, structure and proccesses to make them better.
four function of management, it’s including planing, organizing, leading, and
controling. That one of the functions is
leadership, so many people might would think if it would be safe to assume that
all managers are leaders all managers
would be leaders if they effectively carry out their leadership
responsibilities to communicate, motivate, inspire and encourage employees
towards a higher level of productivity. However, not all managers are leaders
simply because not all managers can do all of those items just listed. An
employee will follow the directions of a manager for how to perform a job because
they have to, but an employee will voluntarily follow the directions of a
leader because they believe in who they are as a person, what they stand for
and for the manner in which they are inspired by their leader. A manager
becomes a manager by virtue of their position, and subordinates will follow the
manager because of his or her job description and title. Because managers are
responsible for carrying out the four functions of management, their primary
concern is to accomplish organizational goals. Managers get paid to get things
done in organizations. As such, the manager is accountable for themselves as
well as the behavior and performance of his or her employees. A manager has the
authority and power to hire, promote, discipline and fire employees based on
those behaviors and performance. As being said management is about efficiency
and getting results though systems, processes, procedures, controls and
the Leader. A leader is defied as the person who leads or command a group, organization.
The essential part of a leader lies in his/her ability to motivate people to
follow his or her lead. According to Robert Tanembaun “Leaders are those who
use formal authority to organize, direct, control the responsible subordinates,
so that all parts of the work are coordinated in order to achieve the company's
goals”. Leader moves a vision forward by motivating and
inspiring, keeping people moving in the right direction,
despite major obstacles to change, by appealing to basic but often untapped
human needs, values and emotions. A leader achieves this condition when they
highlight the values of the audience they are addressing, regularly involves
people in deciding how to achieve the organization’s vision, support employees
efforts to realize the vision by providing feedback and coaching, and
recognizing and rewarding success. Together
these methods make the work important to the employee, the employee feels in
control, the employee can grow professionally and they feel a sense of accomplishment.
All of these are essential human needs that when fulfilled lead to greater
Perhaps the greatest separation between management and
leadership is that leaders do not have to hold a management position. That is,
a person can become a leader without a formal title. Any individual can become
a leader because the basis of leadership is on the personal qualities of the
leader. People are willing to follow the leader because of who he or she is and
what the leader stands for, not because they have to due to the authority
bestowed onto him or her by the organization. The leader will show passion and
personal investment in the success of his or her followers reaching their
goals, which may be different from organizational goals. Leaders are more likely to take action and invoke action in
others than to schedule planning sessions
It is clear that there exist major differences between
managers and leaders in the way they accomplish goals and complete tasks.
Managers make sure that rules, regulations, procedures, policies and guideline
are followed to the letter. Leaders realize the importance of entrusting others
to work toward a vision not just simply follow the rules, regulations,
procedures, policy and guidelines. Managers are also more production oriented,
while leaders tend to be more people oriented. Telling people what to do does
not inspire them to follow or produce results. Appealing to people and showing
them how to follow will lead them to putting their heart into the project or
cause and make them want to complete the task at hand. Leading persuade and
motivate individuals to take risks they would not normally undertake.
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